Wednesday, 25 July 2018


          Hai, hello, Assalamualaikum 👐 Starting from today I will upload my experience as a babysitter in Japan. In shaa Allah I try to istiqamah uploading the story 😅 And sorry for my mix language Malay and English. For this entry, I will talk about my trip to Japan.
          Before that, I will story about how do it's begin.

          It started out quite innocently on  25/03/2018. I receive whatsapp from kakti.

          And here I go. Kakti need to attend a courses at Japan for 9 months and she wants me to babysit her two daughters, Anis Fadhyla (4 y/o) and Auni Farahiyah (2y/o) .

          As a coincidence, I was in holiday semester for 3 months, so I'm going to spend 2/3 of it as a babysitter for them and for the other quarter is for me to spend time at home. When Kak Ti said her plan to Abah, Abah had set a condition whereas a week before my enrollment to a new semester, I should come back to Malaysia already.

          I went to Kakti's house first at Thursday morning by bus from kampung and spending a night there before we flied to Japan.

          It's Friday and it's friyayyy. The weather is so nice. We went to the airport at 10 o/clock in the morning after having our breakfast and was sent by Abg Zool's father. It is already lunch time after settling some errands at the airport. We checked in and had our lunch there. I'm so excited. :'). At last, I've got this opportunity to travel oversea after Brunei. Alhamdulillah.

          At 2.15 o'clock in the evening, we had boarding. And bismillah, here I come Japan !!

          Unfortunately, at 5pm our flight land back at KLIA 2 because of technical issue on our aircraft and our flight got delayed.

Tuesday, 24 July 2018

The eldest.... The youngest

Siapa sangka saya akan spend dua bulan kat Jepun bersama kakti... Sy sendiri x pernah aspect, perancangan Allah kan. Kakti ank sulung dlm keluarga, sy pulak ank bongsu arwah ma dan abah. Dari kecik,  kami x pernah rapat kot, huhu. Sbb masa sy lahir,  and then arwah ma meninggal dunia pastu sy duduk ngan tok ayah sejak tu sampai darjah 5. Jadi mmg jaranglah nak spend time sama2 dgn kakti. Ingat masa kecik2, klu time balik rumah abah,  sy teringin sgt nk tidur sekatil dgn kakti. Masatu ada dua bilik jee,  biasanya, sy ain dan ala akan tidur sama2. Kakti study UK,  so mmg jaranglah balik, so bila kakti balik,  biasanya akan tidur dgn kak ida or kakna,  yg beza 3/4 thn jer dr kakti. And sy rasa jeles. Huhu tidur sekatil jer pon. Tp ada jer waktu2 yg sy sempat tidur sebilik dgn kakti. Xder apa pon padahal.

Bila stay dgn kakti pagi ptg siang malam,  sy dpt tgok mcm mana kakti didik anis ngan auni, mcm mana kakti handle, and I do learn something. Tp yg plg terasanya, bila tgok semua tu,  I wonder mcm ni ke cara arwah ma didik adik beradik sy dulu. Tegas tapi still lembut and manja. Sy selalu terfikir pasal arwah ma. Yerlah kakti plg lama hidup dgn arwah mama. Sejak lahir sampailah umur 14 thn kot masa arwah ma xde. Mesti kakti adlh acuan arwah ma yg betul2.

Tadi kan,  kakti cerita zaman kakti kecik2 dulu,  mkn biskut cicah air teh je as dessert. Kadang2 ada jemput,  tu pon berebut. Walaupon jemput tu mkn mostly tiap2 minggu. Kakti senyum lebar masa cerita tu,  mngenangkan zaman dia kan. Pastu kakti ckp,  satu lg ikan celup tepung.  And kaktilah yg nk kena prepare tu, siang ikan selar yg kecik2 tu pastu buat pulak colek dia sendiri. Tu pon nk kena kira dulu ada berapa and bagi sama byk tiap2 org sbb xnk bg x cukup. Yerla kami adik beradik ramai kan. Masa tu, dlm hati nk sgt tanya,  tu masa arwah ma ke. Tp x terluah. Mmg sy nk sgt tanya kakti mcm mana arwah ma dulu.

All of this thing buat saya rindu dgn arwah ma. Make me wonder how it feels to live with her. 😭 I'm crying here in Fuchu. 😅 you dont know how it feels to miss someone yg dh xde kat dunia ni and she is someone yg kamu x pernah jumpa pon.