Back then, when we laughed together about how alike we are
You gently overlooked my little white lies
It won't matter to me if we dont have a place to return to because i'll protect that smile of yours
There are countless encounters and farewells waiting
Not to mention many things I don't want to lose
But I don't feel any need for them anymore
All I want is to be by your side and gaze at you through happiness, sadness, and everything else
Let's start right here and now
Let's start our future
Let's be true to our feelings
Like flowers swaying in the summer breeze, let's use this moment to bloom in our full glory.
Wednesday, 15 November 2017
Friends 🌹
A short visit to DIY
Wednesday, 15 November 2017
باسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته 🎀
A short visit to DIY 😇 I was watching anime when ma balik sekolah n looking for alya in my room. Her first impression is like "😑" "what are u doing in the dark?" . And I'll be like "😬". Yeah my room is quite dark even in daylight 😅But then ma ask me if I want to go to Jerteh ( it is 'bandar' to us) and I was like "😍" aka 'org mengantuk disorongkan bantal' . Sy dh lama nk g jerteh kot sbb nk beli barang unt puding jagung 😋🌽 And Alya would like to buy a present as she have pertukaran hadiah for her class's upcoming farewell party. And so we went to DIY then 💃 Hehe, this is just introduction ✌
The story today is, going to DIY surely bring back the memories 🍃 at the CFS of course 🏫 there was a mall just a stone throw away from the CFS called JAYAONE become the most popular mall among CFS students 😇 yerlah, perlu jalan kaki jee.. And kat situlah adanya DIY 🎪 As we know brg2 kat DIY is so eyecatching and usable especially for us, student 💁 for any ocassion, cenderahati unt speaker or gifts for mdm or friends, the easiest way to get them is at the DIY . So today, when i went there and looking at the goods displayed, all those memories back then replay in my mind 👯 it's like DIY is the-must-visit place when u go to JAYAONE. Eventhough, u will only come to see the same things over and over but it will never can stop u from going there 😌 'beli brg unt pertukaran hadiah', 'beli hadiah unt penceramah', 'beli hadiah birthday kawan', 'hadiah farewell' and a lots more 😚 and I will take the longest time to make a choice 😁 its my weakness 😪 and my companion will be so annoyed with me As we take a lot of time at DIY because of 'me'and end up went back to CFS soo late like it's Maghrib already. 😶 ops 🙊 that's Izyuna for you. ✌🙆 As it was the most popular shopping port for CFS students, sampai kita dh boleh recognize dh brg tu from DIY. 😵 therefore u can go and check the price of the present that u got 🙊 it's cheating 🙅 u should just accept it seadanya. 😉 . That's all for today 😆
A quote of the day. 🌸
" Zindagi ek safar hai suhana "
Hidup itu mmg satu perjalanan yg Best 🌹
Saturday, 13 May 2017
Thursday, 5 January 2017
Menjawab persoalan aqidah
Petikan ini diambil dari perbualan antara Badiuzzaman Said Nursi bersama seorang ahli fizik;
"Benarkah Tuhan itu wujud? Sekiranya dia wujud, di mana tempatnya. Kerana setiap yang wujud pasti bertempat. Contohnya kita manusia, tempatnya di bumi. Ikan tempatnya di laut. Burung tempatnya di pokok dan udara. Begitu seterusnya di mana semua yang wujud pasti ada tempatnya, " kata ahli fizik itu menyoal berkaitan ketuhanan.
Mendengar solan ahli fizik itu, Badiuzzaman Said Nursi terus bertanya, "Adakah awak percaya setiap yang hidup pasti ada nyawa? "
Tanpa sebarang syak, ahli fizik itu lantas menjawab "Setiap manusia dan haiwan yang hidup pasti ada nyawa. Itu sudah tentu saya percaya. "
"Di manakah letaknya nyawa itu? Di kepala, di perut, ataupun di dada? " tanya Badiuzzaman Said Nursi pula.
Apabila melihat lawannya terdiam tidak dapat menjawab maka Badiuzzaman Said Nursi pun berkata, "Sekiranya nyawa yang ada pada diri kita sendiri pun tidak tahu di mana letaknya, apatah lagi Allah yang menjadikan kita. "
Akhirnya ahli fizik itu mengaku kalah lalu menjadi anak murid Badiuzzaman Said Nursi.
Rujukan : buku Badiuzzaman Said Nursi karya Abdul Latip Talib