Wednesday, 15 November 2017
باسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته 🎀
A short visit to DIY 😇 I was watching anime when ma balik sekolah n looking for alya in my room. Her first impression is like "😑" "what are u doing in the dark?" . And I'll be like "😬". Yeah my room is quite dark even in daylight 😅But then ma ask me if I want to go to Jerteh ( it is 'bandar' to us) and I was like "😍" aka 'org mengantuk disorongkan bantal' . Sy dh lama nk g jerteh kot sbb nk beli barang unt puding jagung 😋🌽 And Alya would like to buy a present as she have pertukaran hadiah for her class's upcoming farewell party. And so we went to DIY then 💃 Hehe, this is just introduction ✌
The story today is, going to DIY surely bring back the memories 🍃 at the CFS of course 🏫 there was a mall just a stone throw away from the CFS called JAYAONE become the most popular mall among CFS students 😇 yerlah, perlu jalan kaki jee.. And kat situlah adanya DIY 🎪 As we know brg2 kat DIY is so eyecatching and usable especially for us, student 💁 for any ocassion, cenderahati unt speaker or gifts for mdm or friends, the easiest way to get them is at the DIY . So today, when i went there and looking at the goods displayed, all those memories back then replay in my mind 👯 it's like DIY is the-must-visit place when u go to JAYAONE. Eventhough, u will only come to see the same things over and over but it will never can stop u from going there 😌 'beli brg unt pertukaran hadiah', 'beli hadiah unt penceramah', 'beli hadiah birthday kawan', 'hadiah farewell' and a lots more 😚 and I will take the longest time to make a choice 😁 its my weakness 😪 and my companion will be so annoyed with me As we take a lot of time at DIY because of 'me'and end up went back to CFS soo late like it's Maghrib already. 😶 ops 🙊 that's Izyuna for you. ✌🙆 As it was the most popular shopping port for CFS students, sampai kita dh boleh recognize dh brg tu from DIY. 😵 therefore u can go and check the price of the present that u got 🙊 it's cheating 🙅 u should just accept it seadanya. 😉 . That's all for today 😆
A quote of the day. 🌸
" Zindagi ek safar hai suhana "
Hidup itu mmg satu perjalanan yg Best 🌹
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